Elcelectric Transformers

Add: No.3 Wall Street Building, Luzhou Road, Hefei 230051, China

Phone: +86-551-63676389

Whatsapp: +86 180 1996 1751

Equivalent to Jensen JT-110K-HPC

Microphone Input Transformer ELC JT-110K-HPC


Ideal for a variety of IC or discrete input amplifiers.

This transformer has a turns ratio which optimizes the noise performance of many IC amplifiers.

This Transformer offers extended low-frequency and Bessel-tailored high-frequency responses.



Electric Schematic:


Electrical Parameters:

Turns Ratio: 1 : 8.169
DCR (Pin1 to Pin4): 28.3 OHMS
DCR (Pin5 to Pin8):   2.65K OHMS  
Inductance(Pin1 to Pin4): 9.8H
Inductance(Pin5 to Pin8): 617H
Frequency response:  20Hz-20kHz   -0.19dB
Hi-Pot:500VAC  5mA  1Sec.